Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Beauty Bargains (Part 1)

 "If you are going to buy beauty products, make sure you get the stuff." that's what my mother would say whenever we used to go to the mall and she would buy her Estee Lauder products (she still does and at 51 years of age, she can closely pass for 45). Well, as much as I would love to follow my mom's advice, I can't, not as a sophomore in college, so I have to look for cheaper alternatives (coupons are a girl's best friend!). 
In a previous post I mentioned about going to Daiso Japan, well, I went again and I found looking through the beauty section and I found beauty masks. 2 for $1:50! That's 75 cents each! Normally I pay around $2 per mask at a Japanese beauty store at Yes Plaza in Rowland Heights (I'll write about that place later!). 

So, should you go for the bargain on this product, or should you just go and pay $2 per mask?

Okay, the bargain is good, as a matter of fact, it was great. For $1.50, the quality was comparable to the $2 masks, so yes I would say, if you want to save and you don't really care what fragrance it is, go with the Daiso Japan brand. I'll probably go back and stock up on more of these, but at the same time I like to pick from a wide variety of fragrances I find at the beauty store. I guess I'll buy either brand, depending on what part of town I'm in. 

Price : 2 for $1:50
Location: Daiso Japan 

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